Lisa Metz
Jazz Tech & Solos
Creating an environment of freedom so that we can share our voices, Lisa’s diverse passion for Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary and Hip Hop compose the ground work for her career and unique vision. Based in Vancouver BC, Lisa has vast experience ranging from television and music videos to performing on stage in New York and LA.
Lisa has had the pleasure of choreographing and directing two full length contemporary shows ‘Three’ (2015) and ‘Stirred Up’ (2018). Truly inspired by these experiences, they now play a major part on her artistic journey. Most recently Lisa was head choreographer on the short film Dance with a Demon starring Glee’s Heather Morris produced by Hadron Films and co – choreographer on JC Penny’s back to school commercial featuring Jordyn Jones. Faculty member at Vancouver’s premier drop in studio Harbour Dance Centre, Lisa has gained much attention for her choreography, being well recognized for its individual style. Also Lisa has become co – director of Harbour based training program Platform, where along side Toni Shenflied, guides and mentors dancers to develop their place in the industry. She draws from her past experience as a professional dancer with Shay Keubler’s Contemporary Dance Collective Radical System Art, as well as Vancouver’s The Darlings’ Cabaret. She has also proudly worked with Tiffany Tregarthen and David Raymond (Modus Operandi), Josh Beamish, Heather Laura Gray, Hollywood and Mary Ann Kellog. Lisa continues creating, working and training with choreographers and companies while exploring her passion for dance. Motivated by endless progression, Lisa is excited to share, inspire and be inspired by what the future will bring.